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Friday, October 24, 2008

Eric, "supersize" has been restored

The friendly folks at Google recently made a change to Picasa regarding the embedded picture hotlinks. Currently, the embedded references constrain you to a few fixed viewing sizes and does not directly provide a link to the full-size JPEG that is stored I used to be able to get.

I figured out how to bypass this. If you happen to notice the new links Picasa uses now, you'll find a size code inserted in the URL pathname. For example, the 288 pixel-wide view includes .../s288/... in the pathname. If you instead use .../s0/... for size zero, then apparently it defaults it to the full-size image stored there!

Programmers are so predictable.

So, all the 9 embedded links since that change in the Messier and NGC collections sidebar have been supersized, and I'll do so for all new pics.

Cheers, Eric. Thanks for letting me know you liked that feature.

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